Tuesday, November 11, 2014

A few things about Feverfew

I keep seeing Feverfew being listed as a 'miracle herb' on a few sites around for things like headaches and migraines.

Now I will be honest, first off I've never used Feverfew, but there is a reason for this that I'm going to get into and it's the same reason everyone should first do their own research into any herbal supplement they want to take.  I've been researching herbs for several years, so while I'm not all knowing, I do try to keep myself educated about them.  Any time someone mentions something that works for xyz condition I look into everything about it, it's uses, how to grow it, how to harvest it, how to use it, and most importantly it's side effects.

Back to the Feverfew now, Feverfew is great for headaches and migraines.  It works by increasing blood flow by opening blood vessels.  There are other herbs that work well as well, and I'll get into them in a minute.  Like most other herbs Feverfew does have other uses, but mostly it will come up as a headache medication.

Now here's the important part, Feverfew's side effects.  It can cause miscarriages among pregnant women.  It can cause problems if you are trying to conceive as well.  If you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant avoid this herb.

For those who cannot take Feverfew other herbs do work just as well, peppermint taken as a tea can help prevent or relieve pain from migraines, as an added bonus it also helps settle upset stomachs that may result from migraines.  Other mint teas also help, but to a lesser degree (I use mint teas myself personally.)  I've heard catnip teas work as well, but I've never tried them myself.

Also if you are looking into a 'bee garden' avoid using this plant.  Bees hate the smell of the flowers and will avoid the beds at all cost. (In one book I own it actually recommends carrying some Feverfew in your pocket if you want bees to stay away from you.)  On the other hand if you want to plant something that will keep bees away then this is the herb for you.

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