Saturday, December 28, 2013

The Boys (Meet the Cast 2)

Second part of what should have been consecutive posts, introducing the cast and crew around here.

The kids.

Two little Alpine wether goats.  They're brothers, twins, Pendragon is the one standing in this picture, Arthur is the one laying down.  Arthur is a bit smaller then his brother.

We originally got them to keep my horse company and to help keep the pasture down since they eat things the horse doesn't find to tasty.  Some time next summer I want to use them to help us clear land for my rabbit barns.  They'll get to eat to their heart's content, and I'll get nice clean land ready for me to build on.

 The horse.

This is my 22 year old Appaloosa/Welsh Mountain pony.  His name is Sparky.  He's got the stubbornness and smarts of the Appaloosa, and the strength of the Mountain Pony.

He's a good little horse, at this point in his life though I consider him more of a pet horse then much else.  I once told someone he's like an over grown puppy dog.  He gets love, pets, treats, food and doesn't have to work for it.  He was green broke when I got him and I could never get him fully trained so he just kinda hangs around.  He likes it, I like it, it works well for both of us.

Pretty much this is the end of the long awaited post of the boys, so I'll end it with a picture of Arthur in front of the barn from this summer.


Saturday, December 21, 2013

A Temporary Ducky Home

Well the Pekin and Rouen hens and drakes finally got moved to their new winter home.  It's just an old dog pen that's been winterized with a duck house inside till spring.  Come spring everyone will be moved into what I hope will be a duck barn with divided stalls so the Pekin will be separate from the Rouen.  As for my drake per hen ratio, I only kept one drake of each breed with my hens (for the hens safety.  To many drakes in with hens can be bad to the hens and can hurt or even kill them.  The safety of all of my girls is always important to me.)  Come spring I'll be getting more ducklings of both breeds so I have more hens (and baby ducks are just so cute to raise up, even if they can be messy.)

The ducks are actually very happy with their new home.  They have grass in it, which they ate all of in the other pen, and lots of room.  It's warm, comfy, and snuggly, though they can still play in the rain if it falls right for them.  It took them about one day to settle into the new home and start 'redecorating it' to make it their own.